Check me out ~1~
Happy your still producin
Check me out ~1~
Happy your still producin
Hell yea fwm tho
whats good
theres alot to be done on your beat but im hella busy right now to review it but i would be down to help you if you want
what program do you use?
you can check me out there
well peace
yeah thanks, i use flstudios flsedition
Pretty good
i dont think some of the things fitted as good as they should of but its just my opinion like th girl voice didnt seem to fit with the strings and as for the piano its a kool sound but it seems to over power the strings , do you know what im saying? , the beats for good its not a bad song homie , im jut saying there are some things off in it
well keep doing your thing i hope i helps in some way
i like reviews like yours
givin me motivation, and helping me to become better
dont know what to say, i like it lol
but i know what you mean
thanks for the review
good battle
yo man that was a good battle but even thought 187 used alot of shit he used b4 it was still better man , i think you not far from being great man so just stick wit it and keep going but as for my vote i got 187 on it
well keep up the good work homie
hmmm........ aww man, well thanks for ya review man i appreciate it, and thanks for the vote of confidence, B ez
yo won that homie
your beat was just better man
good battle tho
check me out when you get a chance
Pretty kool
its a good song
seems like you need something extra tho homie
ill 5 it man
keep at it homie
someday youll get to the top
thanks man, preciate it.
yo whats good homie
im taking the title as king of the portal ^__^
and as king im going to put a stop to all these damn haterz
keep up the beats homie
you and bleek killed it
wow im actualli gettintg noticed by der soon to be ng king haha i aint got myspace but no worries =.= biggie
nice beat man
i see your steppin up
cuz not many of there people on here are
you gotta kill them all haha
cuz as for the new members and shit comming on here im not likeing what there bringing
makes me wanna come back you know haha
stay up homie
yea im tryna to step it up...Rewirein wit reason now..:Dbut ay what up wit arp?
hey whats good homie
nice work man
not many people doing much on here
make me want to come back haha
and as for all these new members comming up there not looking so good haha
well thats just my opinion
you the next to step on here
so go for it